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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

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The act of wood firing is the oldest method of firing clay. Wood, when burned, creates ash which floats through the atmosphere of the kiln and falls on the surface of the pots. At high temperatures, the ash melts creating an ash glaze and surface decorations.  There is an exquisite beauty to wood fired pieces as the flame and atmosphere create visual depth and subtle variations.  Depending on the work, type of kiln and firing style, you can get a myriad of results that tell the history of each piece in relation to the flame and atmosphere. 

Work will be fired in a Noborigama and a Climbing Train Kiln at Canton Clay Works in Canton, Connecticut.

Note: this workshop is open those currently enrolled in a Summer 2022 course at Ceramics Program, Office for the Arts at Harvard.

Workshop schedule and complete details


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