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Monday, May 1, 2023 12pm to 1pm

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Students considering future opportunities in tech are encouraged to attend to learn more about the 2024 recruiting season timelines, applications, and interviews as well as the many types of opportunities available. The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) will present information about preparing for tech recruiting and then open it up for questions (which can be asked anonymously). Participants will be subscribed to the MCS Recruiting email list which will keep you updated throughout the spring and summer. Please Note: Many other employers look to hire Harvard students but do not recruit this far in advance. To learn about these opportunities, visit the MCS career pathways pages and attend MCS creative careers, public service, and/or science, research, and innovation job and internship success programs.


If you have accessibility needs or questions related to this event, please contact ocsrecep@fas.harvard.edu.

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