Tuesday, September 17, 2024 5pm to 6pm
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 5pm to 6pm
About this Event
79 JFK St., Cambrige, MA
https://iop.harvard.edu/events/study-group-john-anzalone-how-polling-used-campaignsMedia polls only concentrate on who is ahead and who is behind. In reality, polling is an incredibly important tool in campaigns for message development, targeting, ad testing, and resource allocation. Polling is the most important efficiency tool in a campaign's toolbox. We will take a look at the different types of research tools and methodologies and how we use them to build a message and build a target universe for victory. We will discuss the key diagnostics that we test to give us a solid understanding of the political dynamics in a race but also lay out the art of message testing – both positive and negative – that are the guts of any political poll. We will also discuss how you analyze polling data through subgroup demographic analysis and make recommendations to clients. Finally, we will talk about the importance of focus groups in refining messaging and advertising.
AUDIENCE: These conversations are open to members of the Harvard community. Please RSVP with a valid Harvard email address.
OFF-THE-RECORD: In keeping with our long tradition at the IOP to ensure honest and candid discussions of politics, all IOP study groups are off-the-record.