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Wednesday, October 2, 2024 5pm to 6pm

Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School, L-163 View map
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How does a particular topic break through to become the day's big political story? From the VP debate to the former president's latest rally to questions about the VP's policy positions, we'll learn from a veteran newsroom leader about how editors go about determining which stories get to readers first.


GUEST: Sara Kehaulani Goo, Executive Editor of Axios Live + New Platforms, will join resident fellow, Eugene Scott, virtually for the October 2 session.


Register here.


AUDIENCE: These conversations are open to members of the Harvard community. Please RSVP with a valid Harvard email address.


OFF-THE-RECORD: In keeping with our long tradition at the IOP to ensure honest and candid discussions of politics, all IOP study groups are off-the-record.

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