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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School, Littauer-166 View map
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The pandemic placed a bright light across many of the structural and systemic gaps across the American industrial landscape. In cities and towns alike, economic disparity and decades of disinvestments have continued to polarize our politics and fray our democracy. In a post-pandemic world, changing demographics, fast evolving technology, geographical isolation, and growing income divide are working as tectonic plates colliding against one other. Can the new growth paradigm heal the broken promise of trickle-down economics and support a new attempt at building a U.S. industrial strategy? 

This session will provide a deep dive into the historical and political context of economic development policy, while setting the stage to discuss new approaches towards inclusive economic growth. 


Register here.


AUDIENCE: These conversations are open to members of the Harvard community. Please RSVP with a valid Harvard email address.


OFF-THE-RECORD: In keeping with our long tradition at the IOP to ensure honest and candid discussions of politics, all IOP study groups are off-the-record.

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