Wednesday, December 8, 2021 9:30am
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 9:30am
About this Event
Add to calendarTaught by professional artist and mindfulness practitioner, Erica Beade, this two-hour online workshop will explore how sketching can be a practice for deepening mindful awareness of our surroundings, and how mindful awareness can enrich our sketching practice by helping to quiet inner voices. Using natural objects as our subject matter, we will find ways to focus our attention, learn to see more deeply, and record our observations more carefully. Groups will be limited to twelve, allowing ample time for individual feedback. All skill levels are welcome.
Members $30/Nonmembers $35
Class will be held over Zoom. To join the program, you will need to download the free Zoom app in advance. If you already have Zoom, you do not need to download it again. For details on how to improve your Zoom experience, visit the How to Attend an HMSC Program webpage.
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