Wednesday, October 30, 2024 5:30pm to 6:45pm
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 5:30pm to 6:45pm
About this Event
Add to calendarPlease join the Virtual SEAS Undergraduate Research Open House on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5:30 to 6:45pm EST to help you learn about and plan for undergraduate research at SEAS. There are currently 15 labs participating. We ask that each student completes the following steps in preparation for the event:
1. We created a Canvas site with introductory slides, videos, and site links to help you familiarize yourself with each of the participating research groups. Please review each lab's page, and select the 3 that most interest you.
2. Complete this survey ( by Sunday, October 27 so we can match you with the labs that interest you, indicating your top preferences.
3. Check the Canvas site on Tuesday, Oct.29 after 5pm EST for an active link that will show your assigned sessions for the Open House.
4. Attend your assigned sessions on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5:30 to 6:45pm EST
Please feel free to email with any questions.
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