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Scholarship and Social Justice Undergraduate Research Conference
Virtual Event
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Join us for the only dedicated research conference for undergraduates! This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the innovative research that undergraduate students are producing around the nation. They will share their findings with faculty and peers who are also creating knowledge on a plethora of social justice related topics. Any questions, email Varsha (vghosh@fas.harvard.edu) or go to https://publicservice.fas.harvard.edu/ssj.

Event Details

The Phillips Brooks House Center for Public Service and Engaged Scholarship is the hub and department that provides support for all public service efforts at Harvard College. It is home to academic engagement through the Mindich Program in Engaged Scholarship, student leadership development programs, student professional development programs, and active citizenship efforts through volunteering in the Greater Boston community. The Center also provides resource management, guidance on residential advising, and strategic planning for college-wide civic engagement efforts, leading collaborative programs such as the First-Year Day of Service, Public Service Recruiting Day, the Engaged Scholarship and Social Justice Research Conference, and the Public Interested Conference.
In 1981, the president and deans of Harvard University established the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations with the mandate to 'improve relations among racial and ethnic groups within the University and to enhance the quality of our common life.' In pursuit of this mission, the Foundation seeks to involve students of all racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds in the ongoing programmatic enterprises of the College and University and to highlight the cultural contributions of all Harvard students. The Foundation sponsors annual programs and activities that are designed to promote diversity and inclusion in the interest of interracial, intercultural and inter-religious understanding and harmony in the Harvard community. Follow us on instagram @harvardfoundation Visit us at Grays Hall 10 AM - 5 PM Subscribe to our newsletter: tinyurl.com/hfnews22

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