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Thursday, October 28, 2021 5pm to 6pm

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“Lost and Found” is a two-event series acknowledging the impacts of ongoing loss and unresolved grief. A space to begin healing as a community, each event includes time for writing, reflection, and storytelling, with opportunities share your stories online at: bit.ly/harvard-lost-found

All members of the Harvard community are welcome. Join us in consideration of all we have lost and what we have found.


Bring a notebook and writing tool.


Live captioning is provided for Zoom events.  For additional accommodations or questions, please contact dib@harvard.edu in advance of the event.

Co-sponsored by the University Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging; the Harvard Chaplains; and Memorial Church. Support from Harvard University Health Services Counseling and Mental Health Services and Center for Wellness, Harvard Human Resources Office of Work/Life, Campus Services, University Police Department, and the Council for Concerned Women.

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