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Friday, January 20, 2023 7pm

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Two time Boston Music Award nominee rocks the Harvard Ed Portal! Join Allston indie folk artist Grace Givertz for an intimate concert featuring songs from her forthcoming album—plus dinner, drinks and conversation in a cozy atmosphere.

For one night only, Grace will perform a new unplugged set on banjo, tambourine, guitar, and harmonica. Afterwards, fellow musician Jake Blount will team up with Grace for a heart-to-heart on the journey of a marginalized musician in a genre that has historically underrepresented them.

Gazette Classification: Concerts, Diversity and Inclusion, Special Events
Organization/Sponsor: Harvard Ed Portal
Speaker(s): Grace Givertz, Allston indie-folk artist, Jake Blount, Musician
Cost: Free
Ticket Web Link: www.eventbrite.com…
Contact Info: edportal@harvard.edu
More info: edportal.harvard.edu…

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