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Monday, February 27, 2023 12pm

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Mon., Feb. 27, 2023, 12 – 1 p.m.

Making Black Girls Count in Math Education explores the experiences of Black girls and women in mathematics from preschool to graduate school, deftly probing race and gender inequity in STEM fields.

Nicole M. Joseph investigates factors that contribute to the glaring underrepresentation of Black female students in the mathematics pipeline. Joseph’s unflinching account calls attention to educational structures and practices that contribute to race- and gender-based stratification in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. The author also disentangles a complex network of historical and sociopolitical elements that influence the perception and experiences of Black girls and women both inside and outside of mathematics education.

Please contact myanne_krivoshey@gse.harvard.edu if you have questions/requests regarding accessibility.
All of Gutman Library virtual events are open to the public and are live-captioned.

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