Thursday, April 14, 2022 12pm
Thursday, April 14, 2022 12pm
About this Event
How do gender nonconforming activists and other marginalized groups in Brazil contest normative liberalism and Jair Bolsonaro's “politics of disgust”? Moisés Lino e Silva, author of the recently published ethnography “Minoritarian Liberalism: A Travesti Life in a Brazilian Favela,” explores what happens when liberalism is challenged by people whose lives are impaired by normative understandings of liberty. Meanwhile, current Radcliffe Fellow Alvaro Jarrín explores how travesti (a term used in Latin America to indicate a specific form of female gender construction opposite to the sex assigned at birth) and trans activists in Brazil reframe debates around sexual citizenship and gender identity by tethering them to larger aims about racial and economic justice.
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