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EPS Department Tutorial with Peter Huybers

This is a past event.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 5pm to 6pm

Image of EPS Department Tutorial with Peter Huybers

Event Dates

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 5pm to 6pm

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EPS Department Tutorials provide a casual opportunity for students to meet faculty, learn about the variety of research being done at EPS, and meet other concentrators.  (If we were on campus this would be done over a tasty meal as well, but, alas, we each must provide our own.)  We require EPS concentrators & secondary fielders to attend five tutorials and since the Academic Administrator keeps track of attendance any tutorial pre-concentrators/secondary fielders attend count toward fulfilling this requirement. The December 2nd tutorial will be hosted by Peter Huybers, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Science and Engineering.

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