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Monday, April 25, 2022 2pm to 2:45pm

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Developing time management skills and allocating your time efficiently can help you find success in and out of the classroom. Making time at the beginning of each week to plan out the upcoming days can relieve stress by preparing you for what’s to come and ensure that you have enough time to complete each task and that no deadlines are missed.

In this weekly work group, we will learn and practice fundamental time management skills, like prioritization and optimizing energy. You will leave each session with an individualized weekly schedule that includes your particular classes, assignments, and personal activities as well as times to accomplish each of these tasks.

Meeting each week helps to ensure accountability and encourages us to routinely and consistently consider our own time management.  When you sign up for this workshop, you will be registered for the entire series, and you will receive an email with the Zoom links to each week's meeting.

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