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Event Dates

Thursday, March 6, 2025 7pm to 7:45pm

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Accessing Care with CAMHS

This monthly informational workshop is open to Harvard students, as well as others in the Harvard community who support students, such as tutors, proctors, advisors and/or teaching fellows. During the session, clinicians from CAMHS Access Team will provide information on the mental health and wellbeing resources available to students.


Attendees will receive information about the services offered at CAMHS, through TimelyCare and within the local community, as well as tips on how to decide between options and get started with care. The session will include a brief presentation followed by Q&A.


See "View stream information" icon for the Zoom link.


Open to all registered Harvard students (undergrad, graduate) who have paid the 2024-2025 Student Health Fee.  Deans, tutors and proctors, studen affairs personnel are welcome to attend.


Contact: Kim Herrmann, LICSW at  kherrmann@huhs.harvard.edu

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