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Poster with the words English


This is a school and academic department for all English

Poster with the words English

In the English Concentration, we think about, study and write about the artful ways in which people can and do use words, from thousand-year-old epics about fighting monsters to the intimate poems and the public addresses of our own time. We are, also, the academic home at Harvard for creative writers and creative writing. We are here for you if you know what you want to study, whether it's an ambitious, famous, influential novel or a more obscure and less prestigious text (maybe one that uses words with pictures, or words with music, or words with pixels). We are also here for you if you don't know-- we'll help you find out. We are proud of our history of helping Harvard undergrads become published writers and distinguished scholars. You can find our alums in bookstores, in academia, in politics and on TV. But you don't have to apply to be an English concentrator: you can just try out our classes, meet our teachers, and see what you like. And we hope you will.


English is offered as both a concentration and a secondary field.


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