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This is a school and academic department for all Bioengineering

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Bioengineering lies at the intersection of the physical and life sciences, incorporating principles from physics and chemistry to understand the operation of living systems. As in other engineering fields, the approach is highly quantitative: mathematical analysis and modeling are used to capture the function of systems from subcellular to organism scales. An education in Bio/Biomedical Engineering, and engineering more broadly, enables students to translate abstract hypotheses and scientific knowledge into working systems (e.g., prosthetic devices, imaging systems, and biopharmaceuticals). Harvard is committed to broadly educating engineers who will become leaders in the developing field of Bio/Biomedical Engineering. The objectives of these (AB & SB) concentrations include providing students a solid foundation in engineering and its application to the life sciences, within the setting of a liberal arts education. The concentrations are flexibly structured for a diversity of educational and professional objectives. Our degrees in Biomedical Engineering or Engineering Sciences (Track in Bioengineering) enables the acquisition of a broad range of skills and attitudes drawn from the humanities, social sciences and sciences, in addition to engineering, which enhance engineering knowledge and which will contribute to future leadership and technical success.


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