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ARTS FIRST 2024 continues through Sunday, April 28. All are welcome. Dozens of arts events are taking place in venues across campus that remain open to the public. Events in Harvard Yard are accessible to Harvard University ID holders only. For details on the ARTS FIRST Performance Fair on Saturday, April 27, review event listings in the College Calendar Performance Fair channel and view a map of recent location changes. Join us in celebrating artistic creativity in all genres and many cultures!

Welcome to Harvard’s ARTS FIRST Festival! Produced by the Office for the Arts at Harvard, this annual campus-wide event takes place April 24-28 and showcases the expansive creativity and innovation of Harvard students, staff, alums and faculty. Enjoy the dynamic imagination and cultural expression at the heart of this festival by visiting many of the university’s iconic indoor and outdoor spaces transformed by art making and open for all to explore. Year after year, ARTS FIRST draws 5,000+ audience members who are entertained, delighted and inspired by the many art forms on display on outdoor and indoor stages, in Harvard’s museums, galleries and classrooms, and in the green spaces of Harvard Yard. Much of the festival is also live streamed at HarvardArts on YouTube.

The festival is open to all, family-friendly and mostly free. (Some ticketed events charge for admission.) The Office for the Arts invites everyone to join us at the ARTS FIRST Festival at Harvard University.

Welcome to the arts at Harvard!


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